Savannah's are categorised by their widely spaced trees and seasonal rainfall.
A Savannah has only 2 very distinct seasons, wet and dry. This can lead to flooding in the wet season and fires and droughts in the dry season. Compared to Rainforests a Savannah's tree spacing is wide and their canopies (tops of the trees) rarely touch one another allowing more light to hit the earth. This creates a less humid environment.
The Serengeti in Africa is one of the world's most famous Savannah's and is home to some of the world's most famous animals, such as Lion's, Elephant's and Giraffe's. These animals have evolved and adapted to their environment and developed ways of coping with the extremes in rainfall. Water holes such as the collection in Etosha National Park in Namibia are a vital resource for survival during the dry seasons.

This Savannah is categorised by humid temperatures, a lack of trees and large coverings of grassland.
Increased rainfall compared to Tropical Savannah's and richer grassland and soil supporting large mammals.
As well as grassland this Savannah type includes woodland and forest and typically has an increased rainfall.
This can include swamps, marshes and wetlands, perfect for birds and fish. They typically stay flooded year round.
Colder in temperature and higher in altitude these are mountainous terrains. Large deciduous trees are common.
1. Look up a Savannah on the internet or in a book?
2. What type of Savannah is it and what animals are found there?
3. Write a diary entry about the Savannah as if you've discovered it for the first time. What would it be like to actually be there.

Hi I'm part of the Maasai tribe in East Africa. Our communities live mainly in Kenya and Tanzania on a great Savannah called the Maasai Mara.
We call the Savannah home and it's where we build our houses, raise our families and tend to our cattle. We are semi-nomadic and move with the seasons to provide food and water for our cattle and community.
The African Savannah can be a dangerous place so we must build thorny fences around out homes and farms to scare away animals such as Elephants, Lions and other Big Cats.
You can learn more about the Maasai and other indigenous people HERE.

Type of animal - Mammal
Maximum Length - 1.5m
Region - East Africa
Diet - Grasses, plants and roots
Type of animal - Mammal
Maximum Length - 2m (with tail)
Region - South West and East Africa
Diet - Gazelles and small Mammals
Type of animal - Mammal
Maximum Length - 2.5m
Region - Central and Southern Africa
Diet - Grasses

Type of animal - Mammal
Maximum Length - 2.5m
Region - Central and Southern Africa
Diet - Large and Small Mammals

Type of animal - Mammal
Maximum Height - 19m
Region - South West and East Africa
Diet - Acacia leaves, tree leaves.

Type of animal - Mammal
Maximum Length - 1.5m
Region - Central and Southern Africa
Diet - Large and Small Mammals

Over 1.7 million Wildebeest travel over 800km in search of new grazing every year on their Great Migration. Their trek takes them through Kenya and Tanzania along the Great Rift Valley.
The migration is a round trip and lasts all year. In that time the Wildebeest mate and give birth to young. The young then have to keep up with the herd as the great journey continues.
Let's learn about the world's Savannahs.
Scroll down or click on the links below to learn more about these animal-packed environments.