The Worldly Adventures of Archibold Clutterbuck & Friends is a free education platform for children aged 7-11 to learn about the world around them. Free from political and social bias the Worldly Adventures platform allows children to get an unbiased look into this amazing world we call home. Archibold Clutterbuck & friends take you on a personal journey through all the 7 continents, exploring amazing countries, meeting incredible people, and having incredible Worldly Adventures.
WAACF is part of Adventure Discover Explore Ltd, a company set up to help people develop an unbiased understanding of the world around them and educate on everything it has to offer. Founder Tom Sanders became concerned in recent years that children, and adults, perceptions and understanding of the world around them was being misguided and wrongly manipulated by outside sources such as the media and even past generations. No longer was Syria being seen as one of the oldest and most beautiful civilisations in the world, but negatively portrayed due to war and fear-mongering. Many countries and peoples experience this condemnation. This is not to say that countries such as Syria, Mali and Yemen are the safest and most desirable holiday destinations at this point in time but they do deserve our respect. The majority of people in those countries are just like us and have customs, cultures and history that are deeply important to them and the greater world. The hope with this venture is to bring to light these incredible countries, cultures and peoples and help plant a positive seed into young minds. If and when bad things do happen in this world we can all start learning from a positive footing instead of being mis-informed by negative outside opinions.

As mentioned above Adventure Discover Explore Ltd is an educational venture aimed at bringing the world to life and creating platforms and spaces for people to learn more about the world around them. We are a young company and are always on the look out for new and exciting ways to achieve our goals. The Worldly Adventures of Archibold Clutterbuck & Friends is the first platform we've created and is aimed at children aged 7-12 years old to help them develop an unbiased knowledge of the world around them.
As the company progresses our aim is to produce further outlets focusing on adults, families and children. We are in the process of developing a few different ideas that we look forward to sharing in the near future.
As well as developing these spaces we are looking to promote worthwhile and exciting organisations, charities and causes that are helping to bring the world closer together. If you have any ideas or would like to share your cause with us then please don't hesitate to get in touch. We really would love to meet like minded people and help make this world a better place. Head over to our contact page or email us at hello@archiboldclutterbuck.co.uk.